The Three Uses of the Law
Text: 1 Timothy 1:8-11 The Bible clearly states that the Christian is saved by grace alone through faith alone (cf. Ephesians 2:5, 8-10). Since this is true, then what should be one’s attitude toward the Law of God? Should the Christian reject it entirely as a set of unnecessary regulations, or is there some on-going use for the Law of God in the life of the Believer? In answer to these questions it should be noted that the Bible teaches three uses of the Law of God: (1) It is a light to expose our sin and point us to the Savior. (2) It is a curb to restrain wickedness in this fallen world....
Read MoreA True Child In the Faith
Introduction to the sermon series on the Pastoral Epistles. Christ Jesus our Hope. Paul an apostle by royal command of God. The power of the gospel to transcend culture and ethnic differences. From one generation to the next. Team work on the track field. Gnosticism. The aim: a heart purified by the work of Christ; a transformed conscience informed by Christ and his Word; Sincere and consistent faith (word and life match). Then, love abounds. Text: 1 Timothy 1:1-7 With the first seven verses of Paul’s letter to Timothy we have a very fine introduction to all of the Pastoral Epistles....
Read MoreMissions: To Every Son and Daughter
The Great Comission is larger than Foreign Missions. Discipling the nations starts in the home. Covenantal Evangelism. What is the Covenant? God entering into relationship with His people. Timothy’s conversion vs. Paul’s conversion. The means of grace. Sending forth the next generation. Text: 2 Timothy 3:14-17 When we think of “missions” we typically think of getting our shots and passport in order, traveling to far away foreign lands, and preaching to natives in steamy jungle huts. This type of missionary effort is certainly encouraged by our Lord (cf. Matthew 28:18-20). But,...
Read MoreGrace and Its Fruits
Reformation Day stories. What is Grace? God’s riches at Christ’s expense. God rejects all carnal efforts. The strength of God’s grace. We are dead in sin, and are now made alive. Our position has been transferred: no longer are we under the penalty or power of sin. Grace is a disposition of God towards his people. Martin Luther stories. Though it is not by good works that we are saved, once we are redeemed, we show His work in our life by manifesting good works. God’s sovereignty and human responsibility. Text: Ephesians 2:4-10 One of the central tenets of the...
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