Reformation Day stories. What is Grace? God’s riches at Christ’s expense. God rejects all carnal efforts. The strength of God’s grace. We are dead in sin, and are now made alive. Our position has been transferred: no longer are we under the penalty or power of sin. Grace is a disposition of God towards his people. Martin Luther stories. Though it is not by good works that we are saved, once we are redeemed, we show His work in our life by manifesting good works. God’s sovereignty and human responsibility.
Text: Ephesians 2:4-10
One of the central tenets of the Christian faith is expressed by the phrase, “salvation by grace through faith” (Eph. 2:8-9). Sadly, this precious doctrine was completely covered-over by erroneous human traditions at an earlier point in Church History.
If one thinks of Christ’s Church as a great ship plowing through the oceans, it would be absolutely necessary from time to time to take that vessel into dry dock and scrape its hull free of barnacles. Once freed from that negative influence, that ship could then sail ahead without hindrance.
In this respect, the Lord raised-up godly men and women during the Reformation to “scrape the hull” of his Church so that it would be freed from an accumulation of false doctrines. Moreover, it is good for all Christians to be reminded of the absolute necessity of God’s sovereign grace in our salvation.
In short, we could not be saved apart from it! Lastly, this passage shows us how God’s grace fits into the remainder of the Christian life—its fruits are manifested in our attitudes, conduct, and speech.