We are committed to reaching out to all the members of our community with the message of God’s Word.
Therefore, don’t be surprised if you meet one of members and they end up inviting you to church.
Here are some examples of our regular outreach efforts:
WORSHIP – We invite the public to join us for worship each week as we seek God’s face and hear his word.
DISCIPLESHIP – We also offer a mid-week Bible Study every Wednesday for those who seek to grow in grace and knowledge.
EVENTS – We go Christmas caroling, singing of the good news of Christ’s birth. We have a regular Thanksgiving event, focusing on the godly legacy of the Pilgrims. We seek to be involved in various community events, providing a gospel witness.
MERCY – Our Deacons minister to the needs of the poor, first within our own church family, and then to those outside (i.e., as resources allow).