The history of our church extends far beyond the organization of our local congregation, for we are an extension of the church which has existed since God promised redemption to Adam and Eve.
We find this visible church throughout all ages, consisting of those who believe in the promised redemption found in Christ and their children, identified by circumcision in the old covenant and by baptism in the new covenant.
Despite persecution and false teachers, Christ has preserved His church throughout all ages and will continue to rule and defend us until He returns. By His grace, we have a good heritage and a promising future.
What follows is a timeline of our local church, a branch of this international and multi-generational church.
Covenant Family Church was founded in Troy in 2004 as a church committed to the gospel of Christ and the authority of Scripture for faith, worship, and life. The founding members were also concerned by an age-segregated approach to ministry that had become prevalent in some churches.
They desired to have a church that promoted the responsibility of the Christian family and that fostered a church environment that integrated all Christians, old and young, into a common “covenant family.”
This year, the church called Rev. Marcus Serven to be its Pastor. Rev. Serven moved from California to Missouri with his wife and nine children. He had already served as a pastor in California for about 24 years.
In a careful and thoughtful process, our church transitioned denominations, from the Reformed Presbyterian Church General Assembly (RPCGA) to the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC). This also led to us gaining a local ruling elder, which we sorely needed.
Rev. Serven retired from pastoral ministry in October and was given the title, Pastor Emeritus. During his pastorate, he had completed a D.Min. at Covenant Seminary, and he continues to write, teach, and minister as he has opportunity in Austin, TX.
At the beginning of 2017, the church began the process of relocating to the more centrally-located Wentzville. It also continued the pastoral search that began with Rev. Serven’s retirement.
At the beginning of the year, the church relocated to Wentzville. In the summer of 2018, the church voted to call Peter Bringe as its pastor. After passing his presbytery exams, he was ordained as the pastor of the church on October 9th, 2018.
Pastor Bringe grew up here in St. Charles County and began attending Covenant Family Church at the end of 2005. He served as a pastoral intern and deacon at Covenant Family Church and received an M.Div from Covenant Seminary before being called to the pastorate.
The Future
While we have had our share of difficulties, we have also been blessed in many ways. We have seen our own sins, but we have also seen the grace of our Savior at work among us.
While we currently remain a relatively small church, we know and love each other and share a common vision for evangelizing the lost, edifying the saints, and passing on the faith to the next generation. We pray that God would prosper us and make us a faithful outpost of His heavenly kingdom.