Who Owns the World?
It is good for Christians to recall that God actually owns the world. This fact never changes throughout earth history, and even though the evil one has some temporary influence over the events of men the sovereign plan of God always prevails (Proverbs 16:4; Romans 8:28). For example, King David tells us in the Psalms: “The earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein, for he has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the rivers.” Psalm 24:1-2 Also, two additional Psalms written by others reiterate this same foundational truth, “The heavens...
Read MorePastoral Internship
This coming September 15th we are gearing-up to start our second pastoral intern program. So far there is one young man whom we have accepted into the program—and that is Peter Bringe of Elizabeth, CO. There is still time for interested applicants to inquire about the details of our internship. Contact Dr. Marcus Serven if you would like to know more. We will close off the application process on August 1st. Just recently, Randy Winton—father of Cody Winton, one of our previous interns—wrote a testimony about how he and his family felt about the pastoral internship. Randy wrote, Our son Cody...
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