This Week at Covenant Family Church


Hello brothers and sisters,

This Sunday I will continue the series on the Acts of the Apostles with a sermon on Acts 2:22-40, “Jesus is Lord and Christ.” During our Christian education time (10:00-10:30 am), the lesson will be on the fundamentalist-modernist controversy (1910-1936) and the founding of the OPC. At 6:30 pm is our evening service and I will continue the sermon series on the book of Esther with “For Such a Time as This” (Esther 4).

The midweek meeting will be held this Thursday evening at 6:00 pm at the Bringe home. We will discuss the final chapter of Reformed Theology by Jonathan Masters, along with singing and prayer. Then we will take a break during the months of May and June.

Recordings from Last Sunday

Lesson: Presbyterian Missions

Morning Sermon: The Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-21)

Evening Sermon: The Plot of Haman (Esther 3)

Blog Post

19th Century American Presbyterian Missionaries
Recently in Sunday school, I talked about the history of American Presbyterian foreign missions in the 19th and early 20th centuries. In this blog post, I introduce four of the missionaries from this time: Justin Perkins (Persia), A.A. Hodge (India), Hunter Corbett (China), and Ashbel Green Simonton (Brazil).


Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary hosted a conference last month on a theme similar to last Sunday’s lesson: Modern Missions in the Reformed World. You can listen to the recordings from the conference on YouTube here and on Sermon Audio here.

Church and Family Life is holding their annual conference this week (April 25-27) with the theme, “Making Disciples.” It is available to watch it by livestream. To do so, you can register at (They add: “This is a pay-what-you-can deal to anyone who would like to stream the event. Our suggested donation is $30, but feel free to give more or less when you sign up.”)

Wentzville Days – Outreach Opportunity

May 17-19 – Wentzville Days Fair and Music Festival
We will have a booth at this event, handing out booklets, tracts, and the like, seeking to engage people in conversations about Christ. We are looking for volunteers to help man the booth, Friday 6-10:30pm, Saturday noon-10:30pm, and Sunday 1pm-6pm. You can let me know by email if you want to sign up for one of the slots or sign up on the sheet at church. I plan to sign up for more slots, but want to give you all more options first.

Morning Worship Details

Hymns & Psalms
Hymn #169 “My Heart Does Overflow”
Hymn #165 “Ye Servants of God, Your Master Proclaim”
Psalm #110 “Jehovah to My Lord Has Said”
Hymn #243 “Praise the Savior Now and Ever”
Psalm #117A “O All Ye Nations of the Earth”

Bible Texts, Sermon:
Old Testament Reading: Psalm 16
New Testament Reading: Romans 1:1-17
Sermon: “Jesus is Lord and Christ” – Acts 2:22-40

Evening Worship Details

Hymns & Psalms
Hymn #94 “How Firm a Foundation”
Hymn #573 “Am I a Soldier of the Cross?”
Hymn #71 “Stand Up, O God, Be Present Now”

Bible Texts, Sermon:
Old Testament: Psalm 44
New Testament: Hebrews 11:23-12:2
Sermon: “For Such a Time as This” – Esther 4


Pastor Peter Bringe