Hello brothers and sisters,
This Sunday, during our education time (10:00-10:30 am), the lesson will be on questions 29-30 of the Westminster Shorter Catechism, concerning the application of redemption and union with Christ. During morning worship at 11:00 am, I will preach on Acts 17:16-34, which describes Paul’s ministry in Athens. During our evening worship service at 6:30 pm, I will preach on 1 Samuel 2:12-36, which describes Eli and his sons and the prophecy concerning them.
Recordings from the Lord’s Day
Lesson: Christ’s Exaltation (WSC 28)
Morning Sermon: Thessalonica and Berea (Acts 17:1-15)
Evening Sermon: Hannah’s Prayer of Praise (1 Samuel 2:1-11)
Blog Post
Books on the New England Puritans
In this blog post, I review the best books I have read about the New England Puritans over the years, beginning with books primarily covering 17th century history and ending with books covering 18th century history.
The New England Puritans make for a fascinating study. I think what they attempted was noble, that they succeeded more than many realize, and that their decline was both due to certain weaknesses in their system (e.g. being Congregationalist rather than Presbyterian) and to the free choices made by some of their descendants to depart from the path.
Elder Visits
The elders (Elder Stahl and I) are working on planning our annual visits to the households of our church, for the general shepherding of the church. Please communicate with Elder Stahl concerning what times work best for you.
A Weekly Reading from the OPC Directory for the Public Worship of God
II. Elements of Ordinary Public Worship
A. The Part from God to the People
1. The Call to Worship
a. God having summoned his people to assemble in his presence to worship him on the Lord’s Day, there ought to be a call to the congregation, in God’s own words, to worship him. He who performs this element serves as God’s representative voice; accordingly, it ordinarily should be performed by a minister of the Word.
b. It is fitting that the congregation respond to the call to worship in words of Scripture, or with singing, or with prayer, or with all of these.
Morning Worship Details
Hymns & Psalms
Psalm #98A “O Sing a New Song to the LORD” (you can hear it online here)
Hymn #227 “On Christmas Night All Christians Sing”
Psalm #89B “Who with the LORD Can Be Compared?”
Hymn #163 “At the Name of Jesus” (you can hear it online here)
Hymn #317 “Wake, Awake, for Night Is Flying” (you can hear it online here)
Bible Texts, Sermon:
Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 45:15-25
New Testament Reading: Titus 2:11-3:8
Sermon: “Paul in Athens” – Acts 17:16-34
Evening Service Details
Hymns & Psalms
Hymn #197 “Comfort, Comfort Ye My People”
Hymn #194 “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”
Hymn #635 “How Good It Is to Thank the Lord”
Bible Texts, Sermon:
Old Testament Reading: Malachi 1:6-14
New Testament Reading: TBA
Sermon: “Eli and His Sons” – 1 Samuel 2:12-36
Pastor Peter Bringe