This Week at Covenant Family Church


Hello brothers and sisters,

This Sunday morning, I will preach Acts 8:4-25, “The Samaritans and Simon the Sorcerer.” During our Christian education time (10:00-10:30 am), the lesson will be on question 6 of the Westminster Shorter Catechism on the doctrine of the Trinity. In the evening, I will preach Psalm 119:49-56, “Your Statues Have Been My Songs.”

Recordings from the Lord’s Day

Lesson: One God, Living and True – WSC #5

Morning Sermon: Stephen the Martyr (Part 3) (Acts 7:44-8:3)

Evening Sermon: Trusting and Loving God’s Word (Psalm 119:41-48)

Radio Interview

I will be on Iron Sharpens Iron Radio with Chris Arnzen this Thursday, July 25th, 4-6pm ET (3-5pm CT) to talk about American Presbyterian history. You will be able to listen live (as well as afterwards) at:

Upcoming Events

August 6 – Session meeting at the Stahl home, 7:00 pm
August 17 – A day of prayer and fasting called by the OPC General Assembly (more details to come)
September 13-14 – Outreach opportunity at Wentzville Fall Festival

Morning Worship Details

Hymns & Psalms
Psalm #98A “O Sing a New Song to the LORD”
Hymn #257 “Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted”
Psalm #145C “The Eyes of All Upon Thee Wait”
Hymn #138 “The Heavens Declare Your Glory, Lord”
Hymn #453 “All Authority and Power”

Bible Texts, Sermon:
Old Testament Reading: Exodus 7:1-13
New Testament Reading: Luke 8:1-18
Sermon: “The Samaritans and Simon the Sorcerer” – Acts 8:4-25

Evening Worship Details

Hymns & Psalms
Hymn #168 “I Greet Thee, Who My Sure Redeemer Art”
Hymn #370 “Revive Thy Work, O Lord”
Psalm #119G “Unto Me the Word Remember”

Bible Texts, Sermon:
Old Testament: Psalm 12
New Testament: TBA
Sermon: “Your Statues Have Been My Songs” – Psalm 119:49-56


Pastor Peter Bringe