Join us for the Men’s Advance scheduled for February 27-28, 2015. This year our theme is “The Kingdom of God” based on Hebrews 12:28, “Therefore let us be grateful for receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken…” During this troubled time in which we now live, we are witnessing the rapid rise and fall of the kingdoms of men. Therefore, it is essential for Christians to understand the expansion and growth of the Kingdom of God here on earth. Let us remember that Jesus said, “I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” (Matt. 16:18). This gives us hope.
We have two fine speakers this year—both of whom are faithful husbands, mature pastors, optimistic theologians, and homeschooling fathers.
Dr. Derek Carlsen is Pastor of Covenant Reformed Church in Elk Grove, Illinois. Derek has written commentaries on three books of the Bible—John, Acts, and Galatians (published by Christian Liberty Press). Besides preaching, writing, and teaching, Derek is married to his wife Elise, and they are parents of eight children. Dr. Carlsen has earned degrees from George Whitefield College, LTh (Cape Town, South Africa); and from Whitefield Theological Seminary, MMiss and DMiss (Lakeland, FL).
Dr. Marcus J. Serven is the pastor of Covenant Family Church in Troy, Missouri. He and his wife Cheryl have nine children, five of whom are now married, and seven grandchildren. The Servens have been home educators for thirty years. Marcus delights in telling the remarkable stories of God’s providence in his sermons and articles (www. He is a graduate of the University of California, BA; Fuller Theological Seminary, MDiv; and Covenant Theological Seminary, ThM and DMin.
At the close of this year’s Men’s Advance we will serve a dinner for the entire family. This will be followed by a lively and uplifting concert given by The Wintons on Saturday evening at our conference location (7-8:30 PM). It’s a free concert for the whole family!
You can find additional details–conference schedule, pricing, registration, and activities–on the Men’s Advance page under “Events.”
I hope you can join us this year!
— Pastor Marcus Serven