Text: 1 Timothy 5:17-25
Chapters 4-6 of 1 Timothy deal with all of the problems that Paul heard were plaguing the Ephesian church where Timothy served as Pastor. So far, Paul has given instructions on dealing with false teachers, ministerial duties, confronting sin amongst fellow believers, supporting widows, and the requirements to be on the widows list. Now, he takes up the problems that are related to church government—specifically, the Bible’s teaching on elders. We would be naïve to think that our own church, or any others we may be in throughout our life, will never have any problems. The simple truth is that from time to time all churches do have issues. But our Lord has put into place a system of church government where those problems can be addressed and dealt with. We must all come to trust God and the system that he has put into place—even though it is carried out by imperfect men.