Conference Registration is now open—both online and by mail!
The Men’s Advance is coming-up in just five weeks (April 15-16, 2016)! We have the special privilege of having Dr. Joseph Morecraft as our key speaker. He is an experienced pastor–having served in Presbyterian churches for over forty years! Here is a brief bio…
Dr. Joseph Morecraft, III is the pastor of Heritage Presbyterian Church (RPC, Hanover Presbytery) in Cumming, Georgia. He has written a comprehensive exposition on the Westminster Larger Catechism entitled Authentic Christianity (5 vols.). Besides writing, teaching, and preaching, Joe is married to Becky and they have four adult children, and eight grandchildren. Dr. Morecraft has degrees from King College, BA; from Columbia Theological Seminary, MDiv; and from Whitefield Theological Seminary, MTh and ThD.
Moreover, Dr. Morecraft is an expert on Reformation theology, especially the English and Scottish Reformers. Ask him a question about any of the arcane details of the Puritans or Scottish Covenanters and see if he can’t answer you to your complete satisfaction. I’ll bet he can! With the 500th anniversary of Martin Luther’s posting of the “Ninety-Five Theses” on the door of the Wittenberg Cathedral coming-up in 2017, you can get a jump on learning the essential doctrines of the Reformation by attending the Men’s Advance. Take advantage of this great opportunity!
Here are our talks for the conference:
Theme: “The Ongoing Validity of Reformation Theology”
Friday, April 15, 2016
(1) Marcus Serven — “Our Firm Foundation: By Scripture Alone”
(2) Joseph Morecraft — “Receiving and Resting upon Christ: By Faith Alone”
Saturday, April 16, 2016
(3) Joseph Morecraft — “The Imputation of Righteousness: By Grace Alone”
(4) Marcus Serven — “The Exclusivity of the Gospel: By Christ Alone”
(5) Joseph Morecraft — “The Transformation of Fallen Culture: After Darkness, Light”
(6) Marcus Serven — “The Christian Life: Before the Face of God”
I hope you can attend! Registration is now available online, and by mail. See the page on this website devoted to the Men’s Advance for all the details concerning registration.
— Pastor Marcus J. Serven