“Then the LORD God said, ‘It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make a helper fit for him.'” Genesis 2:18
“He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD.” Proverbs 18:22
“It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth.” Lamentations 3:27

From left to right: (Top Row) Matthew, Samuel, Drake, Peter, Mark, (Bottom Row) Scott, Peter, Micaiah, Pastor Serven, Andrew, Marcel, Cody (and Luke – not pictured)
Over the Summer months (June, July, and August) I enjoyed the great opportunity to work with twelve young men discussing Christian marriage preparation. We called this the “Marriage Preparation Package” or the “Marriage Prep Pack” for short. What did we talk about? Here is a list of our key topics: 1. Submitting our desires to the Lord. 2. Purposing to be rightly related to those in authority over us. 3. Developing a biblical view of marriage. 4. Resolving to pray for our future wife. 5. Committing ourself to “Christian marriage preparation” instead of “recreational dating.” 6. Taking active steps to establish our own household. 7. Purposing to not defraud any young ladies. 8. Dwelling on the biblical paradigm of being a godly husband and father. 9. Considering why God established marriage. 10. Approaching a young woman’s father–what to do, and not do. 11. Reflecting on how to be a faithful steward and provider for our future wife and children. 12. Discussing communication in marriage. 13. Learning the biblical pattern of headship and submission in marriage. 14. Giving hope to young men who doubt there is anyone “out there” for them. 15. Talking about how mature godly fathers are looking for direction rather than perfection in potential suitors.
— Pastor Marcus J. Serven