Devoted to the Things of God

Posted by on Jun 8, 2008 in Rev. Serven

The state of the modern church: bored with Jesus Christ. Lost it’s sense of “taste”. Definition of an apostle. If we love Jesus, we will love what he has taught us. Purpose of Christian Fellowship. The Lord’s Supper gives spiritual nourishment to fight against the world, the flesh, and the devil. Prayer is the way we communicate trust, love and submission to God. Luther’s pattern of prayer. We are called to be glad in the Lord.

Text: Acts 2:40-47

Guest Preacher, Pastor Jeff Yelton.

In 2 Samuel 19:35, Barzillai is offered the opportunity to sit at King David’s table in Jerusalem, eating David’s food, and enjoying fellowship with him. But Barzillai is old, and he has lost his sense of taste. He cannot enjoy what David offers him, and so rejects David’s offer.

Instead, Barzillai’s son will have what Barzillai did not. God offers his people the opportunity to enjoy the things of God, but the people of God must have a taste for these things, and for God himself.

Modern Christians have lost the ability to enjoy these things, but we must imitate the biblical church, and devote ourselves to apostolic doctrine, the fellowship, the Lord’s Supper, and prayer, all of which God offers to us for our enjoyment. God reveals himself in these things, and we find him there.

Since our Lord Jesus has given us apostolic doctrine, fellowship, the Lord’s supper, and prayer, we must devote ourselves to these things.

